ECCL Range Rules

All rules are subject to change.

Erie County Conservation League


March, 2020 revised

General Gun Range Rules

Gun Range Safety

Archery Range Rules

Trap & Skeet Range Rules

Club Rules

Steel Range


*most recent changes appear in orange print.  Click here to download a copy of the following rules.

General Gun Range Rules
1. Vehicles are not permitted on the ranges. Park in designated parking area only. Members vehicles are not permitted anywhere down range, except with specific permission. Only the ECCL cart is permitted on the ranges.
2. All instructions from a Range Safety Officer (RSO) must be obeyed.
3. Report any unsafe behavior to a Range Safety Officer or the Range Safety Committee.
4. Pattern testing a shotgun is permitted on the 25-yard range on the far right of the 25-yard snow fence/backstop, i.e. two stand-alone posts. Portable target stands may not be used for shotguns.
5. Drawing from a holster is permitted if the holster is mounted at the waist on the shooting hand side of the body. There is no drawing permitted from a cross draw or shoulder holster. Also, there will be no “cowboy/combat fast draw” practice from a holster on any of the ranges. There also will be no shooting from the hip with any rifle, shotgun, or pistol on any range, except for club events.
6. If during a scheduled match or organized practice, there is a conflict between these rules and the rules of the governing body or said match or practice, the Board of Trustees may issue an exception.
7. Do not put live, damaged or dud ammunition into the spent cartridge buckets nor discard/leave on the range. There are yellow & red tube/receptacles between the 25 & 50 yard ranges and between the 50 & 100 yard ranges which are provided for this purpose.
8. The portable stands must remain on the 25-yard range except when used for a club sanctioned event.
9. Targets may not extend above the orange snow-fence or top to the portable target stand.
10. All shooting on the outdoor ranges will be directed so as to impact the berm downrange behind the orange snow fences. NO SHOTS ARE TO BE FIRED OUTSIDE THESE LIMITS OR INTO THE TARGET STANDS, POLES/WOOD, AT RANGE DISTANCE SIGNS, etc.
11. Eye and ear protection must be worn on the ranges inside the posted areas. All shooters and other persons in the immediate vicinity of the range should wear eye and ear protection when that range is in use (ANSI Z87+ Specification Recommended).
12. Anyone may call a cease-fire anytime the range is unsafe. Regardless of when or by whom the “CEASE FIRE” command is given, all firearms will be immediately made safe and tabled or holstered.  A visual confirmation or acknowledgement is also required.
13. On the 25-yard range you may shoot from a distance closer to the targets if there are no other shooters firing from the benches/countertops on the concrete pads. If other shooters arrive and wish to shoot from the covered concrete pad, you must surrender the range, use the portable target stands and return to the concrete pad. This does not apply to any club sanctioned events (action shooting, women’s basic, 22-bench rest, etc.
14. Only paper or cardboard targets are permitted. Steel, bottles, cans, clay birds, pots, pans, plastic, etc. are prohibited except during club-authorized events. The exception is the steel target that is provided on the 200-yard range. All targets must be mounted on the orange snow fence; not to, or in line with, the wooden posts or cross-members that support the snow fence. Use clamps, clips or tape. Make sure that all rounds fired at, and impacting your target, do not hit any wood. DO NOT MOUNT TARGETS ON WOODEN POSTS.
15. Spent cartridge casings, ammo boxes, targets, and other trash must be picked up and disposed of properly before the member leaves the range. If you don’t want your empty cartridges, put them in the buckets provided.
16. Shooting benches and stools are to remain behind the firing line at all times.
Gun Range Safety Rules
1. Treat all guns as if they are always loaded!
2. Never point firearms anything you don’t want to shoot.
3. Keep muzzle pointed down range (at the backstop) at all times.
4. Do not load firearm until you are ready to shoot.
5. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
6. Know your target and what is beyond at all times.
7. Any firearm that is deemed a safety hazard must be unloaded and removed from the firing line. Any firearm that discharges without the trigger being activated, must be removed from the range until it is repaired.
8. There is no specified time you must wait between shots but all firing must be CONTROLLED, AIMED and DELIBERATE. No trigger activating devices are permitted at any time on any firearm (BMF ACTIVATOR, TRI-FIRE, SLIDE FIRE OR BUMP STOCKS, etc.).
9. No one may go forward of the firing line to change or retrieve targets, pick up brass, or any other purpose, unless all firing points are clear and all firearms unloaded, benched, have their actions opened, and empty chamber indicators (ECI) inserted properly according to type of firearm. For Muzzle Loaders – unloaded is defined as already fired or No ball, No powder, No cap. No one is to handle/touch any firearm while anyone is down range. No one goes down range without ensuring that all shooters have been notified of a cease-fire and firearms are cleared. Ammunition may be loaded into removable magazines and speed loaders.
10. If you arrive at the range while someone is down range, do not un-case or handle your gun until they have returned to the firing line.
11. When transferring a gun from a vehicle, the gun must be cased or an empty chamber indicator (ECI) inserted in the chamber.
12.  At no time should anyone handle a firearm if there is a person down range.
Archery Range Rules
1. Archers may NOT USE BROAD HEADS. Field points only are permitted.
2. Absolutely no sky-drawing. Bows are only to be drawn at the shooting line and in the direction of the targets.
3. Archers are not to proceed down range to retrieve arrows until they are acknowledged by the other archers and a cease fire has been declared.
4. Do not nock any arrow while individuals are down range.
5. Be aware of your surroundings and the other archers on the ranges at all times.
6. Stay on the path and do not cut through the woods.
7. No rifles, shotguns, or handguns are permitted on the archery ranges except for CCW. There will be no discharge of fire arms on the archery ranges.
8. No smoking on the archery ranges. This is a fire hazard. Smoking is only permitted in the parking area. Please do not leave litter.
9. Privately owned targets are permitted. Cans, clay birds, bottles, metal, glass, plastic jugs, etc. are prohibited.   Keep the ranges clean and litter-free.
10. Vehicles/ATVs/carts are not permitted on the range. Park in designated parking area only.
Trap & Skeet Range Rules
1. Always keep your barrel(s) under control and pointed in a safe direction.
2. No firearm shall be loaded until the shooter is standing on the shooting station AND it is the shooters turn to shoot.
3. No more than two (2) shells may be loaded at one time.
4. Always keep your finger away from the trigger(s) until you are ready to call for a target.
5. Shot sizes larger than #6, shotgun slugs, and non-lead shot are prohibited.
6. Handguns and rifles are not permitted on the shotgun ranges at any time.
7. Spectators must remain behind station #4 on the skeet range and behind the 27-yard line on the trap field.
8. Squad size for Skeet shall not exceed six (6) shooters.  Squad size for Trap shall not exceed ten (10) shooters.
9. All guns inside the clubhouse must be unloaded and stored in the supplied racks or in a closed case. All pump and semi-auto actions, without exception, must be locked open. Breech lock guns must be fully open at all times, unless being racked.
10. A pattern board has been placed between the first skeet field and the first trap field for your use to pattern your shotguns. The pattern board is closed for use during trap and skeet hours. Please limit your shot size to 6 shot and smaller. A roller and grease is in a container hanging on the back of the pattern board for your use. SHOTGUN SLUGS ARE PROHIBITED ON THE PATTERN BOARD AT ALL TIMES.
Club Rules
1. Shooting hours are from 8:00 a.m. until sunset, Monday through Saturday and 10:00 a.m. until sunset on Sunday (sunset is determined by internet/weather channel and not by the amount of light available). The exception is club sanctioned trap and skeet activities.
2. Shooting at any wildlife on or from the club property is strictly prohibited.
3. You are required to have your badge with you on club property and it must be worn where it can be seen by other members while on the ranges. If asked for your badge, you must produce it.
4. Senior members are permitted one guest who must wear the guest badge while on the property. THE MEMBER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE GUEST AND MUST BE WITH THE GUEST AT ALL TIMES AND MONITOR THEIR SHOOTING. Associate members and junior members do not receive a guest badge.
5. There are no mandatory work hours. Please volunteer to help by participating on work parties and helping with club programs/events.
6. Use ranges at your own risk. ECCL is not responsible for accidents.
7. The ECCL By-Laws are on our website. Go to the top banner and click on “About ECCL” then click on “Membership” and scroll down to the bottom and click on “By-laws”.
8. Violators of these rules will be subject to discipline or revocation of membership.
9. Trespassers will be subject to prosecution.
10. Persons under the influence of alcohol or drugs are prohibited from range use. No consumption of alcohol or drugs are permitted on the ranges at any time.
11. No smoking on the firing lines. This is a fire hazard. Smoking is permitted in the parking area only.
12. This is your club and these are your ranges. Help keep them clean by picking up after yourself and others. There is no paid staff to pick up after you.
13. The club reserves the right to deny shooting privileges to anyone who, in the opinion of a Range Safety Officer, or Club Board Member, is acting in an unsafe or improper manner or who is suspected of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol.


Personal Conduct Policy

With great ranges come great responsibilities and everyone must do their part. We all must be alert to range rule violations (don’t take it upon yourself to decide which rule should be obeyed).

If approached by an RO, you always have the right to challenge their opinions (go to the Board) but not their authority. Treat them with the respect they deserve. Our wonderful facilities have brought out record numbers of members, and we couldn’t be happier. But always keep in mind that our highest priority is safety.

Dud Collection Tube:

Dud Collection Tube We have a dud round collection tube on the range. It is painted yellow and red for easy identification and is located between the 25 and 50 yard and 50 and 100 yard ranges.

Click on the thumbnail for a larger picture.

If you find an unfired round laying on the ground,
instead of throwing it into the trash can to be burned, where it
can detonate, simply put the unfired round into the top of the tube
where it will be neutralized by a liquid.

When the tube is full, it will be removed and the
contents will be disposed of properly.

Range Safety Committee:

Rich Scheidel, Director
Loretta Koepp, Coordinator
Charles Jones, Chief RSO
Duane Pool, RSO
Tom Raszka, RSO
Dorothy Andrews, RSO